Frequently Asked Questions (finders)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Why I should not use the contact form to reach a speaker

When a speaker creates a listing, all they provide to SpeakerNet is their email address. This means that the only way we can contact a speaker is by email. This is identical to you filling out the contact form on one of their talks. There is no point in sending a message to SpeakerNet for us to fill out the speaker contact form on your behalf. Cut out the middleman and contact them directly please.

How do I contact a speaker?

Find the speaker by their name (more search tips here) and then click on one of the talks listed below their biography. Each individual talk has its own contact form so that you can send them an enquiry. The enquiry you send goes directly to the speaker, with a copy being also sent to yourself.

The speaker has not got back to me, what can I do?

Unfortunately people’s circumstances change and the Speaker may no longer be available or has changed their email address etc. We automatically send out an email to every speaker if they have not accessed the site in 6 months. They then have 10 days to renew their account and then it is removed. So we do try to make sure we have a means to reach the speaker every 6 months.

I need a speaker urgently, can you help?

We don’t know what speakers might be available as we don’t have contact with them unless there is a problem with their account.

You can search for speakers that advertise themselves as available at short notice and write to a few to see if you get a response in your timescale.

How to find speakers that are near me?

Using the map (button in the top menu) you can zoom in to your area of the country and look for nearby speaker pins. If you click on a pin you will see a list of their talks and can click through to their listing.

Do I need to pay for the service?

No. There is currently no charge to use SpeakerNet. Speakers and finders are encouraged to make a donation towards the site’s maintenance if they found it useful.

Do I have any recourse with SpeakerNet if a speaker cancels?

Whilst we fully sympathise, SpeakerNet is a listing service. We don’t act as an agent for the speaker and arrangements are made directly between yourselves.

How can I report complaints about a speaker?

If you have a bad experience with a speaker, then please let us know. If the situation can be considered misconduct or is repeated, we might levy our only sanction which is to remove them from the site.

Can I leave a review of a speaker?

We don’t currently have a feedback / review system as it is difficult to assess the quality of the review. People that want to leave a review are typically disappointed or occasionally, very happy, with the majority in the middle not leaving a review. We operate this site under the Four Way Test;

Of the things we think, say or do…

Is it the TRUTH?
Is it FAIR to all concerned?
Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor, 1932

With that in mind its difficult to create a review system that allows people to vent their disappointment without the speaker also having a right to reply.

Got an idea to improve the site?

Let us know via the contact page