New Region Selections

A much requested SpeakerNet feature has now been implemented.

Previously speakers had to choose a region in which they would be willing to speak. These were very coarse selections and covered large geographical areas and did not allow a speaker to say that they would speak in a neighbouring county because it was in a different region.

For example, a speaker in Gloucester might be quite happy to give talks in Hereford but might not appear in the search when the speaker finder searches for West Midlands.

I’m pleased to say that it is now possible to select individual counties, and furthermore, select multiple counties even if they are in different regions.

In the Speaker Dashboard, it is possible to amend your details and select the counties (or scottish regions) and even counties in other regions.

The previous example of speaker willing to speak in Gloucestershire and Hereford, and importantly, no queries from Cornwall!

It is still possible to select larger areas if that suits.

Speakers should review their regions at their earliest convenience to provide better targeted enquiries.

We hope the new filters give both you and the speaker-finder a better experience, but feel free to use the contact form to send any feedback.